
The Neverwas Haul (Vallejo/ California)

The Neverwas Haul is a 3-storey Victorian House on wheels, built in 2006 by Major Catastrophe (Shannon O’Hare) and a crew of 12, made from 75% recycled materials. “After building the Clocktower in ’05, we were sitting in camp at Burning Man talking about our adventure so far. I thought how much we looked like some explorer’s club from some Victorian sci-fi, then I went further and drew the first Neverwas Haul concept sketch of an explorer’s club that really explores. I also got inspired by the book Snowcrash – there is a brief note about a Victorian house on tank treads in it.”

Every year for the Burning Man Festival the Neverhaul leaves the San Francisco Bay Area on a trailer for Black Rock City, Nevada. Once out on the desert lake bed which locals call the “playa,” the Neverwas Haul roams freely, a steampunk masterpiece brought to life with a diesel engine and a wooden ship’s wheel.

A video about the Neverwas Haus & its crew:

An article about it: Link
The Neverwas Haul website: Link


  1. Awesome! I now require on to live in...

  2. Were planning to visit Fairfield in next month and still looking for other places to go. I would love to spend My whole month there in California. I would love to go here in Vallejo also,such a great views!
